2 Timothy 2:1-26
There is a need for you to ask yourself these question; Who am I? A vessel unto honour or dishonour? A gold or silver? A sinner or saint? According to the text , in a great house , there are not only vessels of gold or silver, but also of wood and of earth and some to honour and some to dishonour. In Genesis 4:8, Satan made Cain to kill Abel, thus making him a vessel of dishonour.
God has a standard, that standard is Holiness. A life without sin. God expects us to have His nature. That is why, the bible says, you MUST be holy for I am holy. It is by His nature, we are recognised as children of the Kingdom.
The bible also stated that if you have to mention the name of Christ, you MUST depart from iniquity( any form of sinful practices). You might not be a fornicator or murderer. But you still lie, envy, gossip, hate, jealous or falsely accuse your brethren, or you still rebel against God, desist from such. There is danger ahead of those who do such.
You must examine yourself and identify who you are. There is nothing like sitting on the fence. Jesus Christ says, if you are not hot or cold I will spew you out of my mouth. Is either you are hot or cold.
Return to God now ,and He will make you a vessel unto honour.
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