Philippians 2:5-11
Men and brethren, What you do in the secret matters to God, no matter how holy you are in the open in the eyes of men...
The way you react in your heart to the things of God matters, than the effort you may always put in it...
If you only know how to pray when brethren meets and sleeps when they leaves, you will still end this year as dry as always...
If what you preach to others doesn't succeed in affecting your personal life, then you're still missing out big time this year...
The way you treat people behind those corners where no man can see you matters... it doesn't matter how caring you may look in the public...
The way you adore and respect someone when he's not around is the exact respect you have for him or her...
Believe me, it doesn't matter how you pretend in their presence to show how humble you are...
You're humility to God and man has no standard if it does not tally with ur humility in the secret...
Yes, Man may fail to know how you feel, but God really knows you...
Brother, allow the Holy Spirit to adjust your mind this year, if not, you will still see yourself becoming a victim of the same mistakes you made last years...
That you entered into a new year doesn't automatically change your abilities and erase your flaws....
That you entered into a new age doesn't make you not to run into the same circle of mistakes you ran previous years...
What will help you this year is a Change of Mind...
Change the way you reason this year, and you see things changing around you...
Change the way you talk down on people this year, and you see God sending men to lift you up...
Examine your life critically and see things u have to change to be who God wants u to be .
The day, the Prodigal son reasoned, "In my Father's house..."
That became the beginning of his new life...
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